Event Recap: Come As You Are


“Sexuality is the lyricism of the masses.”

Charles Baudelaire, French poet


Although the majority of the adult population engages in sexual activity conversations around sexuality is still often met with discomfort or hesitation.

A recent dinner event, where the flavors of mediterranean cuisine were matched by the richness of dialogue about sexuality, showcased the power of open conversation to foster understanding and connection.


Setting the Table: The Dinner Event

In the heart of Barcelona, The Cover – a private members’ club located within the Sir Victor Hotel – played host to the intimate dinner event that promised an evening of culinary delights and thought-provoking discourse. The event aimed to create a relaxed atmosphere where attendees could enjoy a delectable meal while engaging in conversations about a topic often deemed taboo.

Breaking Bread, Breaking Barriers

As guests took their seats around a beautifully adorned table, the evening began by everyone introducing themselves and reading an interest fun fact about sex & sexuality that was written in the back of their menu.

We then continued by engaging in guided conversation about sexuality. The goal was to encourage an open exchange of ideas, experiences, and viewpoints.

Diverse Perspectives, Shared Insights

Through a series of questions directed at the table, attendees were encouraged to share their thoughts. The discussions ranged from the particular experiences lived by LGBTQ+ individuals to the role of media in shaping societal perceptions of sexuality.

One particularly memorable moment came when guests shared how living in Spain had changed their perspective on nudity and had helped them desexualize the naked body. The openness of this disclosure set the tone for even more candid discussions, as others felt comfortable sharing their own journeys and insights. The diversity of experiences highlighted the importance of recognizing the intersectionality within various identities.

Some Takeaways from the dinner:

Food as a Unifying Force: The event showcased how sharing a meal can create a sense of unity, helping break down barriers and encouraging open conversation even on sensitive topics.

Vulnerability Breeds Connection: Sharing personal stories fostered a sense of empathy among attendees, reminding us that understanding flourishes when we open ourselves to vulnerability.

Safe Spaces Nourish Discourse: The setting created a safe space for participants to express their thoughts without judgment, underscoring the importance of such environments for productive conversations.

Continuing the Conversation: The event was a starting point for deeper explorations of sexuality. Attendees left with a renewed commitment to engaging in more inclusive dialogues in their daily lives.


Check out the highlight reel!



The dinner event was a testament to the power of human connection and open dialogue, and so I am so grateful to every attendant who was open and vulnerable.

Thank you to The Cover for hosting us, and creating such a great menu for us!

And lastly, thank you to V for the beautiful pictures and videos.

What traditions from your culture do you celebrate?
Let me know in the comments below!


See you at the next event!